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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Countdown Until Spring 2014!

This winter has been one to remember.  Various snow storms, cold weather, and the list goes on of what the local area has endured.  The holiday along with with the ski season is something I have looked forward to.  The beginning of spring is something that I am really looking forward to this year.  The blooming of flowers, trees, and green grass are just around the corner.  Then we can get out in the yard and work on our landscaping and the exterior of our homes.  Has anyone been thinking about what projects that they might do this year?  I have been thinking about adding some exterior landscape lighting.  I planted a lot of perennial flowering bulbs so it will be nice to see how they turned out.  Huntington In Bloom planted various flowers throughout the city and it will be a welcome sight to see how they grow this year as well.  Feel free to post on my blog what you are considering to do outside at your home this year.  It would be nice to hear what plans you might have in store.  At least it keeps our minds off this cold winter weather.

For your enjoyment, below is a countdown until spring just in case that you were wondering how far off Spring was from us.  Have a great week!